Friday, February 6, 2015

Part 1

She or He -A Drama Told in Three Parts


There once was a girl, she died. How? I'll tell you. But I'm gonna start from the beginning. Jade was 18 years old. On the cusp of graduating high school. She was a straight laced student, but made sure she had fun with her friends. She was also promised a full ride to most of the schools she applied to. Yale. Brown. NYU. She wanted to major in Journalism. Had aspirations of starting her own news outlet. She was rightly so on her way to those dreams. Sadly, her dreams were interrupted by murder. If only she hadn't met Michael. That might had been her first and crucial mistake. Jade and Micheal met accidentally. Jade was running late for a meet up with her friends, Crystal and Paula. She rushed out of her house and drove down to the roller rink. Of course, she walked in, trying to come up with excuses as to why she was late. She entered. She scanned the room. None of her friends were there. Jade's confused. She pulled out her phone to discover that she was looking at an old text and that they were suppose to meet at the local bowling alley and actually two hours earlier than she thought. Crystal and Paula knew how busy Jade could be at times, so they weren't phased by her being late. But when Jade called her friends, they were already on their way to go home. Jade sat on an empty stool at the roller rink. While her friends were cool with the events of tonight, Jade was disappointed. She was really eager to tell them that she actually got into NYU. It was the reason why she was late in the first place. She found out today and proceeded to celebrate with her parents spontaneously. So now, she's alone by herself. At a roller rink. "Should she stay or go?" were the thoughts running through her head when Michael finally decided to talk to Jade. Michael, a 25 year old roller rink employee, noticed Jade walking in and thought she was magical. Beautiful. Sexy. It made him very nervous, so he ran to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror. Breathes heavily but wanted to stroll up on her nice and chill. He thought of different ways to introduce himself. He had great ideas, but none of the courage. He looked disappointed with himself and decided to take a few bumps of cocaine to gain some courage. One bump. Two bumps. Three bumps. One more for good measure. He shook off the guilt of starting to take the drugs he sells. See, he used to be an avid coke user, but thought it was more efficient to sell it than use it. But since the death of his mother, two months ago, he's thought of using again. He finally made a choice that night. Depression is something potent. Overwhelming to someone with weaken tendencies. Michael was one of those people, sadly. When he finally felt the effects of the drug, he was invincible, in his mind. Nothing stopped him from rolling out to the counter and spewing charming and very effective lines of flirting to Jade. She was, at first, very hesitant, but slowly and surely, she got caught in his web of mystery and attraction. If she met with her friends, the events proceeding that night wouldn't have happened. All the gore and sadness that came out of one spontaneous meeting of two people. Connection is a double-edged sword. 

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