Friday, February 6, 2015

Part 3


Michael was waiting at the train station. He's more clean than usual. He got his act together. No drugs. No alcohol. All for his upcoming baby. Ever since the revelation of raising a child with Jade, Michael had been going to counseling and getting his life together. It was tough for him but the thought of his baby helped. It didn't help his worry of Jade, though. Her train supposedly arrived about an hour ago. She hadn't  responded to his texts or calls. Michael started to roam around the train station for her. He turned a corner and heard her scream. He knew this scream from foggy memories of that terrible night between them. He ran to save her. He got to the women's bathroom to see her on a gurney with EMTs around her. She was bleeding from her lower half. Jade screamed and cried as she noticed  Michael. She yelled that she lost her baby. Michael couldn't contain his emotions. He brokedown and cried as well. He followed the ambulance to the nearest hospital. They did all they could to clean her up and figured out what happened to her. Michael was waiting to find out what happened to his love and his baby. He had thoughts of guilt and sadness because this moment wouldn't had happened if he didn't rape her. If he didn't drink and snorted coke that night. He was so angry at himself. He wanted to do something drastic to himself but he never made a decision. He was distracted when he saw the doctor coming. The doctor took his time to say what he was going to say. He told Michael that it was a forced miscarriage. The doctor saw scars in her that suggested that Jade killed the baby. Michael was floored. He wondered why she would do such a thing. He asked the doctor if he could see her. The doctor lead the way and left them alone. She was half asleep. He spoke quietly asking her why this happened. She fully woke up and started tearing up and chuckling. Michael was confused. Jade wasn't. On her way back home, she started to evaluate her life away from home. She loved it. She missed the hustling that came with New York City. The only thing she thought was in the way was her dead relationship with Michael and the baby. She also was resenting the baby and it was causing her to do terrible things to herself. She started smoking and began to drink. Every night. She was hoping she could force a miscarriage. It never came to pass. She got on that train to make everything seem normal. But deep inside she was panicking. She wanted to escape this life she created. When the train arrived home, she quickly ran off, saw Michael waiting and dodged him to go to the bathroom. She started to hyperventilate. Crying. She didn't want this baby. She thought of the one thing she could do. She decided to take out a ruler she had in her bag. She looked at it with comfort. This was her only way out. She thought it was, therefore it was her truth. She took a deep breath and begins to damage herself and the future human being that was in her. Blood was flowing from her vagina. It hurt. It hurt badly for Jade but she continued as she cried. She wasn't sure if she was crying because of pain or of relief. Then she stopped. Threw the ruler in the ground and screamed. Medics got alerted and came for her. As she got carried to the ambulance, she saw Michael. That's her story. She told Michael. As she told him he goes from confused to depressed to angry. Jade started to laugh even louder. With more hysteria. Michael started to walk away with shame. Before he fully left the room, he snapped. Michael turned around to find a pillow to stop her from laughing. Jade struggled, but Michael's anger was much too strong to budge. Jade slowly gave in. She stopped moving. She's sad that it came to this but she also found peace. She finally achieved the ultimate escape from life. Death. Michael achieved prison for life. It all seems so sad, doesn't it? But who's to blame? I think most would blame Michael. But there are reasons that it could be Jade's fault. Or could we all be wrong and it could be the parents or friends' blame? Or drugs? Or society pressures? Or maybe it's no one's fault? It's all up to you, in my opinion. I just think the point of the story is to learn from these ill-fated people and events. Because whether it's her or his fault, we can't change that. All we can do is move on with a expansion of knowledge and hope we don't fall into these patterns in the future. Or else we could become the next She or He...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, didn't see that ending coming! Made the story very thought provoking!!! Good job, Jolo :)
