Friday, February 6, 2015

Part 2


Months later. Jade just graduated high school. Weeks away from heading up to New York City for her first venture into the so-called "Real World". She decided to have a party at her house with all her friends and family. She was in love as well. With Michael. They slowly but surely became a couple. It seemed like she had everything. If only that was the whole truth.  A few weeks before her party, Jade and Michael had a situation together. They were definitely having sex on a regular basis. They were spending as much time as possible together. But life was getting in the way. Jade became extremely busy with school work, college visits, long nights of studying. She was very determined to get away from home. She wasn't happy in her hometown anymore. She felt too big for the little pond she was in.  It created a strain on her relationship with Michael. He took things negatively. Started drinking and snorting as much coke as he possibly could. Anything he could do to numb the pain of his current situation. It became his norm to come home, piss drunk, falling over and didn't remember what happened. Jade got pissed off about it and decided to wait till Michael came home one day. So, as he rolled up to his apartment, in a sloppy state, she stood up on the stoop. Silent. Looked at him furiously and realized he was out of his mind from alcohol and drugs. She knew about his drug problem but never told him. He finally had a moment of clarity in this tense and dense quiet, feeling terrible and angry at himself. This was his only beam of light in his life and decided to feed his depression instead of nurturing their relationship. They both proceeded to yell and scream at each other. It got extremely heated. He begged her to go inside to talk about this. She came inside to finish him off and end this relationship. But it didn't end that way. They went inside and they started the rumble again it. This time, it became physical. Jade was screaming, crying, slapping his face. He tried to hold her down. She began to punch him. He got mad. He was drunk, high, and mad. He smacked her. He smacked her unconscious. Michael noticed her knocked out and proceeds to hold her and kiss her to make it better. His feelings mixed into arousal. Jade woke up slowly. Feeling and seeing Michael inside her. She tried to stop him but Michael was restraining her. She was screaming but no one came to save her. Tears fell from her disappointed eyes. Michael finished and forced her to go away. He doesn't see Jade for weeks. Michael called her everyday. Tried to see Jade at her house and school, but never caught her. Of course, he went straight to his drug and liquor dreams to fill that void. He got a call one night. It's Jade. She told him to come to her party and that they needed to talk. Michael tried to stay sober when he arrived at the party. Tried to dress up and comb his hair nicely. Even carried flowers. He wanted to apologize. He wanted to make everything better. For Jade. For himself. For their relationship. Jade found him and puts him in a room. Jade went right to the point. She was pregnant. 

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